
Across the state and country, there is a documented shortage of mathematics and science teachers in secondary education. These subjects are critical to the development of tomorrow’s leaders in energy, aerospace and engineering, which drive our economy.

Areas of Impact

When you support the OSUTeach, you help shape the future for Oklahoma State University. By contributing to the fund(s) below, you make our future brighter orange!

OSUTeach Fund

20-90730 - This Operating Funds-Dept / Program Specific fund benefits programs through the General University.

OSUTEACH IS A TRANSFORMATIVE INITIATIVE that will support the next generation of mathematics and science education professionals by providing students a pathway to achieve their mathematics or science undergraduate degree while simultaneously earning a teaching certificate in as little as four years.

"Before I came to college I had to decide whether to major in secondary education or math. OSUTeach is the perfect compromise. What’s incredible is I’m getting experience in the classroom as a freshman versus waiting until my junior or senior year to do so. It is helping me be more confident in my career path.”
Sarah Carpenter, OSUTeach Scholarship Recipient, 2018 OSUTeach Mathematics Major

Teaching the Next Generation of Bright Minds

OSUTeach is a collaboration between the College of Education, Health and Aviation and College of Arts Sciences. Core elements of the OSUTeach program include recruitment and retention incentives, compact degree programs, a strong focus on research-based strategies for teaching mathematics and science, intensive field teaching experience, and personal guidance from master teachers and faculty. Learn more about the OSUTeach program by visiting this website.

Impact of OSUTeach

OSUTeach is designed to have a far-reaching impact that extends beyond the boundaries of Oklahoma State and into the hearts of children, and eventually, the workforce of our partner businesses and corporations. By encouraging and supporting tomorrow’s science and mathematics teachers, OSU is ensuring a brighter future for all of Oklahoma. OSUTeach also helps address the critical national shortage of qualified science and mathematics educators. Join us as we prepare the next generation of teaching professionals.

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OSUTeach Masthead 2

Investment Opportunities

There are several ways to get involved and make a difference in the lives of our OSUTeach students. Opportunities below represent OSUTeach’s highest priorities. Endowed commitments will generate funds for the program in perpetuity.

  • Scholarships
  • Internships
  • Student Stipends
  • Mentor Teacher Stipends
  • Mentor Teacher Academy
  • Professorships
  • Excellence Funds

To learn more about giving opportunities within the OSUTeach program, contact Denise Melot.