OSU Campus Reports

If you are an employee of Oklahoma State University, you may need to access reports provided by the OSU Foundation as a part of your job function. OSUF provides reports to help colleges, departments, and units steward their donors; view project and scholarship balances; and access limited database information. In order to gain access these reports, you will need to:

  • request access through the Online Reporting Access Request form for your college/unit,
  • your college's/unit's fiscal officer will need to approve the request for access,
  • have an OSUgiving.com account created for you by the team at the OSU Foundation,
  • and sign a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) to protect our donors' information.

After gaining access, you will be expected to:

  • log in and access your reports regulary,
  • maintain an active NDA, resigning on an annual basis,
  • maintain your OSU Foundation credentials, resetting your password as required to ensure information security.

If you already have access, click the button below to login to access Campus Reports - Gift Journal, Fiscal Reports, Scholarship Reports, or Campus Connect.


  • Request access to OSUgiving.com report portal here.

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Report Help