Campus Beautification

Oklahoma State University's leaders have long understood the importance and utility of a physically thriving and vibrant campus that makes a good impression, instills pride and creates a sense of unity. The campus beautification initiative at OSU provides energetic and interactive features including plazas and courtyards, outdoor spaces, seasonal displays, public art and landscaping at OSU.

Areas of Impact

When you support the Campus Beautification, you help shape the future for Oklahoma State University. By contributing to the fund(s) below, you make our future brighter orange!

Welcome Plaza Fund

20-69800 - This facilities fund supports the General University.

Campus Beautification Fund

20-31500 - This Facilities & Equipment fund benefits facilities and equipment through the General University

Ensuring OSU’s Visual Legacy

Research shows that students and faculty decide whether to attend a university within the first 15 minutes of a visit, which is why campus beautification is so vital to maintaining our student numbers and attracting great faculty.

The beautification project introduces a variety of architectural, artistic and landscaping features into the blueprints of Oklahoma State University. Working in conjunction with the University’s Master Plan, the fundraising initiative includes a multitude of energetic, interactive features.

Campus Beautification Masthead 1
Campus Beautification Masthead 2

Dedication to the Future

OSU’s leaders are dedicated to building upon and preserving the beauty of our campus for generations to come. The plans outlined in the beautification project will emphasize the campus’ visual appeal and will evolve as needs are met and new projects are introduced.

“The campus grounds are sacred to everyone who has ever been a part of OSU. We have a duty to take care of this institution, preserving and improving upon the place that has been home, and still is home, to so many of us,” said Burns Hargis, President of OSU.

Opportunities to become involved are numerous and represent a variety of funding levels that can be used to leave your legacy at OSU or honor a loved one. We will provide additional details and specific naming opportunities for projects upon request.

Campus Beautification Masthead 2
Campus Beautification Masthead 4
Campus Beautification Masthead 3

Welcome Plaza

The Oklahoma State University Welcome Plaza, nestled between the Paul Miller Journalism and Broadcasting Building and the Student Union, is a marquee attraction with an impressive sculpture of a galloping mare and her foal.

The space has quickly become an iconic feature and provides unique opportunities for you to support the vibrancy of OSU in a visible way. Whether your goal is to memorialize a loved one or to establish a tangible connection with OSU, the Welcome Plaza includes several options for meaningful giving experiences.

Welcome Plaza ColumnsWelcome Plaza SculptureWelcome Plaza Fountain

To learn more about the Welcome Plaza, click here.

Campus Art Sculptures

An equally meaningful part of the beautification program consists of integrating influential public art into the many memorable scenes on campus. Several public works of art have already been added to campus including Singing Heart, located in the Mother's Garden on the west side of the Atherton Hotel, and Abstract Orange, located on the north side of the Student Union Plaza. Both sculptures are the work of Allan Houser, an Oklahoma-born Chiricahua Apache artist.

This imaginative initiative allows for unique giving opportunities that not only increase the public's exposure to incredible works of art but also enhances and contributes to the visual appeal and beauty of campus.

Abstract Orange PlaqueAbstract Orange SculptureSinging Heart Sculpture

Commemorative Benches

A popular gift option for those wishing to have their own special place on campus is an attractive, comfortable cast-iron bench – an amenity much appreciated by students, visitors and the entire university community.

Your personalized bench will preserve the legacy of a family member, treasured faculty mentor, or friend, while enhancing the aesthetic appeal of the campus and the surrounding community.

PlaqueBench 2Bench Snow

Tribute benches are located around Theta Pond, the Edmon Low Library, Student Union, in display gardens, along trails, and around most academic and residential campus buildings. Your tribute bench gift not only provides an additional seat for visitors, but also supports the care and maintenance of our gardens, outdoor art sculptures and campus beautification efforts.

To learn more about these commemorative benches, click here.

Decorative Planters

Decorative planters are located throughout the campus providing our landscape with a home for beautiful foliage year-round. A true focal point of our campus beautification efforts, the decorative planter allows the campus to fully bloom from season to season. A gift of a decorative planter ensures the beauty of Oklahoma State University continues on.

PlanterObelisk 2

Recognition will be etched in brick and placed at the base of the planter at the discretion of the university dependent upon the location.

Commemorative Lampposts

These gifts will enable an aesthetically pleasing and unified approach to lighting across campus. Lampposts adorn the Oklahoma State campus to provide light and safety to the many students, alumni, visitors and campus family. Whether down historic Monroe Avenue or the newly established Legacy Walk, lampposts are available to memorialize or honor individuals.

Lamppost NightLamppost 2Lamppost 3

Recognition will be etched in brick and placed at the base of the lamppost at the discretion of the university dependent upon the location.

Download our Campus Tributes order form here.

Download our Sponsored Brick order form here.