Student and Campus Life

The Cowboy and Cowgirl experience spans far beyond the classroom to over 450 student organizations, creating irreplaceable friendships and lifelong skills. Your gift to student and campus life will provide life-changing opportunities to these young leaders.

Areas of Impact

When you support the Student and Campus Life, you help shape the future for Oklahoma State University. By contributing to the fund(s) below, you make our future brighter orange!

President's Leadership Council Scholarship Endowment

34-99550 - This scholarship fund benefits students through Student Affairs

Student Affairs Leadership Excellence Fund

34-98480 - This operating fund benefits programs through Student Affairs.

Campus Life Fund

34-46700 - This operating fund benefits programs through Student Affairs.

President's Leadership Council

The President’s Leadership Council (PLC) is OSU's signature freshman scholarship and academic leadership program that emphasizes the importance of leadership and service throughout life. PLC students complete a yearlong class that includes leadership and ethics seminars, community service, several small-group initiatives and hosting a leadership seminar for high-school seniors. The program prepares students to be active and ethical leaders no matter where their life’s journey takes them.

We have the goal of endowing the PLC program for $3 million to ensure participants receive a scholarship of $2,500. This will allow PLC to remain a competitive option for freshman seeking a meaningful leadership experience.

Student Life

With more than 450 student organizations on the OSU campus, the Student Union plays a key role in their operations as it houses Campus Life and its organizations. In Campus Life, leaders are born and real-world experience is gained. The Campus Life area, located on the second floor of the Student Union, is always a hotbed of activity.

To learn more about Campus Life at Oklahoma State University, visit the Campus Life page.

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For more information about giving opportunities related to Campus Life, contact the OSU Foundation at 800.622.4678 or by email at