Cowboy Marching Band

The Cowboy Marching Band is one of the finest in the nation. As the largest student group on campus, the band committed to tradition, innovation and excellence at Oklahoma State University.

Areas of Impact

When you support the Cowboy Marching Band, you help shape the future for Oklahoma State University. By contributing to the fund(s) below, you make our future brighter orange!

Cowboy Band Fan Club Fund

22-84700 - This Operating Funds-General Purpose fund benefits students through the College of Arts and Sciences.

While the Cowboy Marching Band is a valued part of the Oklahoma State University experience, they receive moderate funding from the university and rely on the generosity of philanthropic support to continue our programs. Students annually raise funds through the sales of shirts to fans on game day, yet there is still a gap to fill. The goal of the marching band is to showcase new musical arrangements to the Cowboy nation and produce quality sound at each performance.

Your gift to the band will assist in the repair and replacement of well-worn instruments and equipment, assist with travel expenses, and the student experience of each band member. Our current instruments are at the end of their life span and in dire need of repair or replacement. At each practice the students experience the need for improvement to the Cowboy Marching Band instruments.

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