Women for OSU is a diverse group of visionary women who share a passion for inspiring leadership and financial support to OSU. Women for OSU envisions a culture of giving and service that acknowledges the significant impact women have at OSU and inspires others to positively shape the future of the university through philanthropy and engagement.

Our Purpose

Women for OSU is a mechanism to channel passions and strengthen women's connections to the university through their relationship with Women for OSU.

Our goal is to increase the number of female donors to OSU as well as increase their total giving to the university. The group focuses on the annual Women for OSU Endowed Scholarship, a prestigious award that recognizes academics, philanthropic and volunteer activities among OSU's students. The Partnering to Impact faculty and staff grant program is also a primary funding focus.

Our Strategy

The Women for OSU Symposium and regional events provide a venue for friends and alumnae to connect or reconnect with one another and the university. The organization provides pertinent information about how women impact philanthropy at OSU and beyond, sharing relevant data and inspirational stories of those who are actively changing the university.

Each year at the Symposium we honor women who are making a difference. In addition to an exciting, nationally known keynote speaker, student scholarship and Partnering to Impact winners are announced. The group also recognizes a Philanthropist of the Year — a known leader in philanthropy at the university who is selected from a group of esteemed peers. Attendees have a chance to discuss with each other their motivations to give and where their passions lie at OSU.