This Fund is an emergency fund that provides financial support to students who experience disruptive, non-academic emergency expenses while attending the University. An Emergency Aid application and supporting documentation must be submitted by the student to be eligible for the award.
This is an unrestricted fund for the Department of Design and Merchandising in the College of Education and Human Sciences. It can be used at the discretion of the department head for various purposes, including student and faculty support, student scholarships, research, technology upgrades and equipment.
This fund is dedicated to offering scholarships to undergraduate or graduate students within the Department of Design and Merchandising.
At Oklahoma State University, we firmly believe that financial obstacles should not hinder anyone from obtaining an education, especially when students have the character, capability, and determination to thrive. This fund is dedicated to offering scholarships to students pursuing teaching degrees. We believe Oklahoma’s children deserve exceptionally well-prepared teachers in every class, every year. Join us in supporting the next generation of America’s Brightest Educators.