The General Scholarship Fund allows for meaningful unrestricted support for students attending Oklahoma State University. Scholarships are important for recruiting and retaining students who belong at Oklahoma State and your gift to this fund ensures finances do not keep an OSU Cowboy from achieving their dreams.
The Human Performance and Nutrition Institute (HPNRI) at Oklahoma State University conducts interdisciplinary research to optimize human health and performance. It collaborates with industry partners to translate scientific discoveries into practical applications that enhance athletic performance and public health. HPNRI's innovative studies contribute to global efforts in improving quality of life and informing evidence-based policies.
The Student Farm embodies a powerful fusion of education and community outreach that is a collaboration between OSU Agriculture, the Innovation Foundation and Our Daily Bread Food and Resource Center. Gifts to the OSU Student Farm generate experiential learning opportunities for OSU students, help bridge the food insecurity gap and fuel OSU’s mission to innovate solutions to nourish the world.
At Oklahoma State University, we firmly believe that financial obstacles should not hinder anyone from obtaining a top-notch education, especially when students have the character, capability, and determination to excel. This fund is dedicated to offering scholarships to students in the School of Architecture, playing a pivotal role in bolstering the school's recruitment efforts and ensuring deserving students can pursue their education without financial constraints.
CAGLE coordinates and supports all global activities within Spears Business. The CAGLE Center engages with students, faculty, global alumni, global academic partners, industry leaders, and government officials with the goal of preparing Spears Business students for leadership positions in a dynamic global business environment. Support for this fund will be used to offer financial support for student awards for international experiences to students who would otherwise be unable to participate in a study abroad experience.
This fund helps provide scholarships for students enrolled at the Center for Health Sciences. Areas supported include athletic training, physician assistants, biomedical sciences, health care administration, forensic sciences, medical sciences and the College of Osteopathic Medicine.